All I can give you right now is teapots. You can take your pick from a mouse, a cupcake or a basket of fruit teapot and imagine that you are sitting somewhere near to one of them eating a toasted teacake with butter, somewhere in the middle of nowhere anyone (apart from those in the know) knows about, and you are sipping your Earl Grey tea from a china cup which has just been poured (incomprehensibly, given the circumstances) from a stainless steel pot. All the interesting teapots are just for show. Imagine you are on your own, with a notebook, writing words about teapots and toasted teacake.
If you are looking in here for the first time - hello. I do other things apart from teapots and teacakes so feel free to trawl around the labels on my sidebar and look around. But on the other hand, there are worse things to contemplate. I should tell you that in my own home I have a standard Brown Betty which does the job nicely, and a very serviceable cafetiere of the usual kind. I have always liked coffee best but tea is on the ascendant.
I am going to the Brighton Festival tomorrow, up the Smoke again on Sunday.
Back anon ere May be out, most likely.
Delightful. Have notebook, will travel. "Teacake"? Please describe for this Yank.
I make my own arrowroot cookies because Peek Freans are not available anymore, sadly. I know about toasted scones, from Stratford, Ontario (Canada).
Love the mouse. And the cupcake.
Mim, a teacake is basically a larger, flatter version of a bun - but even here we come up against language, for I'm sure the English bun is not the same as an American one. Think hot cross bun without the cross. The flatness of the teacake makes it easier to toast and gives more surface for lovely butter.
Zhoen, Peak Freans is a name I haven't heard for years. Used to have tins of their biscuits (cookies) as a child.
My God you just can't keep still can you ? Gadding about hither and yon !
Personally I always favour a good Brown Betty for tea -- somehow makes a better cuppa.
Have fun wherever your wunderlsut takes you and have a cup of tea and a nice toasted teacake for me.
Cusp, I almost thought you said "wunderslut" there and was going to go off on one about how the wonderful workings of the inner wonderslut. But then I saw that what you had actually written was "wunderlsut", which is something I need to ponder.
Dunroamin Brighton. Smoke the morrow.
Immediately the childresn rhyme came to mind...
"I'm a little teapot
Short and stout
Here is my handle
Here is my spout
When I get all steamed up
Hear me shout:
Tip me over
and pour me out!"
Oh dear...me and my typos. They'll get me into real trouble one day. Brain fog just doesn't let me see them. Still a wunderslut must be a personage to behold !
Have fun
Oh yes, a toasted teacake with butter, Earl Grey, and being sat in that place in the middle of nowhere known to others.
You do teapots and toasted teacake very well, it has to be said.
I drink gallons of tea.
Kahless, I haven't remembered that one for years. I'm doing the actions in my head.
Cusp, you know about me and the psychoanalytic shrink - well there's no such thing as a typo, it's just all very revealing about something or other - though personally I think it's poetry when two words meet each other for the very first time.
But. I just looked up wonderslut online and it already exists. Wunderlsut doesn't though.
Thank you kindly, Trousers. One of the advantages of tea is that you really can drink loads of it - compared to coffee anyway.
That place is up on the wild moorish bit of the forest. It's a timeslip place - somewhere in the 1950s. I think I'm their youngest customer.
Have a good time.
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