Wednesday, September 29, 2010

back story

I swear by the hairs on the chinny chin chin of the howling wolf that prowls on Edge, the gods have got it in for me again. There is a literary fest hereabouts on the weekend, and I'm involved, and guess what? I've done, I mean really done, my back in. This has never happened to me before. I have had verucas, ingrowing toenail, toothache, conjunctivitis, measles, mumps, chicken pox, allergies, not to mention an impressive little collection of autoimmune diseases - but never a bad back! So not having much experience of it, when something goes ping slightly to the left of the base of my spine as I bend down to pick something up I think ouch, that feels weird, and when it carries on feeling weird and hurting a bit I think, oh what a nuisance, and carry on sweeping the kitchen floor. Spine grumbles and moans at me over the weekend and I notice I'm holding myself strangely because it's hard to bend and by Monday night (my birthday, dammit) there is no ignoring it.

Back I go to ice packs, aspirin, codeine, lying flat, fretting about whether I'll be sufficiently upright by the weekend. Or I don't know what.



Hildy said...

No. That's just not fair, Fair Sees. Not fair at all. Very tremendously sorry to hear the back story. Also blushing at the Monday cock-up (mine, right). Wishing you many happy and pain-free returns, however, k? K.

Mwahs and woofs and other noises of sympathy and jubilation


trousers said...

I agree with Hildy (apart from the bit about the Monday cock-up, about which I know nothing and it's probably none of my business in the first place) - it's just not fair.

It's not just the pain and discomfort, it's the downright inconvenience that makes it a real stinker. I'm guessing so anyway.

Rest and recover well, and accept my best wishes in the meantime.

Reading the Signs said...

Hildy, the Monday cock-up was me forcing myself to go out for a walk with the mistaken thought that this is what would make things better when in fact it did the opposite. Now I have to think very carefully about the idea that you were responsible for this because as far as I know you were nowhere in the vicinity - unless you somehow beamed the thought into my head (but why would you - why?). Meanwhile, I carry on heroically but feel a bit like a Corgi that has (temporarily) lost its woof!

Trousers, thank you, and I agree with Hildy too (and am as baffled as you about Monday cock-up but it's quite nice that someone is prepared to take the blame for everything).

Spot on about the inconvenience!

Zhoen said...

My complete and utter sympathy. Hot baths and gentle stretches and slow movement, as well as what you are already doing.

Reading the Signs said...

Zhoen, much as I'd like to, the osteopath has told me not to have baths, especially not hot. Stretches, though, I could do.

Cusp said...

Get thee to an Osteopath quick my dear. What an almighty pain. Hope you were able to enjoy your birthday somewhat

Reading the Signs said...

Been there twice, Cusp. Apparently I'll survive :)

H. said...

Nooooo. I did not beam any "thou shalt hurt thyself" thoughts to you, Sees my dear. Instead, and almost as disgracefully, I allowed your birthday to pass noticed two days late. Shame on me.

(Obviously, to compensate for this my Mystery Monday Cock-Up, I am prepared to take the blame for absolutely everything. Hurry while stocks last...)


Fire Bird said...

oh no! big hopes for a speedy recovery for the weekend. I am sure you can do without this additional physical ado. Osteopaths have helped me in similar case in the past. Now Feldenkrais keeps me from repeating the experience.

Fire Bird said...

btw Happy Birthday - though I guess it wasn't very...

Reading the Signs said...

psingGood, good, that sounds like a splendid compromise, H, you taking the blame for everything. To tell the truth, it's just the ticket. The year ahead is going to be a breeze now, phew.

FB, I seem to have got through - combination of things. I've heard of Feldenkrais. Must investigage.

Digitalesse said...

You have my sympathies. I agree about seeing an osteopath as soon as you can. If you leave it, it becomes more difficult to reverse.