Friday, July 24, 2009

touching in

It is going well, this new phase I have stepped into. I am not entirely sure what makes me say this, other than a sense of something small but vital having clicked into place, despite the usual health and strength issues. Sometimes the simple fact of making a decision is enough to get things moving in a different direction, and I have recently made three decisions, one of which already promises to bear lovely fruit.

I have realised that I am screen-sensitive to a degree I had not appreciated. In other words, it is much better for me not to spend very much time in front of one, especially if it belongs to a laptop, and more especially if it involves a great deal of reading. Typing up what I have written, which doesn’t take long as I am a speedy touch-typist, is fine. Thank goodness for the notebook. I have still to find the completely perfect ballpoint – but perhaps one never does.


Mim said...

It's good to hear your news.

Zhoen said...

Some people are very sensitive to flicker and the light. Good that you know.

trousers said...

*waves hello*

Yes, once the decision has been made, things are often so much easier, regardless of the effort involved. In my experience the hardest work is reaching the point of making the decision itself.

Kahless said...

I love you!

Thanks for popping in.

Reading the Signs said...

Waving back at you, lovely people.

Cusp said...

Can you see me waving my flag from the top of my studio roof ? Bit clamber down but jolly good to know you're still there and thriving --- notebook on paw ;0)

Reading the Signs said...

ah, that explains the fluttering I saw in the distance there.

Mr Spike said...

"Going well" is "going well" even if it is not possible to analyse exactly why just yet. Good luck and very best wishes with your lifestyle 'tweaks'.

Reading the Signs said...

Thank you, Spikey :)